All About Bathymetry

What is bathymetry? Bathymetry is the study of submarine topography or geological features beneath the ocean’s surface. Similar to how topographic maps represent the three-dimensional landforms of the earth’s surface,...
Kate Fischer

All About Quadrangle Maps

What is a quadrangle map or “quad” map? Quadrangle maps or quads are a type of topographic map produced by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) that divides the United...
Kate Fischer

All About Topographic Maps

What is a topographic map? A topographic map is a two-dimensional representation of the Earth’s surface, revealing both natural and artificial features. One of the most popular types of maps, topographic...
Jared Prince

A Message From Our Founder About COVID-19

  During these uncertain times, we know you are hearing from a lot of companies and their approach to navigating the future. While we believe this time is best spent...
Arlene Prince

Trip Planning Guide for Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park: The Crown Jewel of the Northwest For some, we find solace in places that bring us closer with nature.  Glacier National Park is one of these places....
Arlene Prince

Explore Outside Yosemite Valley

When we think of Yosemite National Park we most often conjure images of Half Dome. With its wide smooth face overlooking the grandiose Yosemite Valley cutting between sharp cliffs littered...
Jared Prince

Discover Yosemite Valley

By Ariel Blandford In May of 2012 I spent the summer living and working in Yosemite National Park in California as a horseback tour guide.  I led tours on horses and...
Jared Prince

Appalachian Trail: Path to Preservation

Extending all the way from Maine to Georgia, the Appalachian Trail is the longest hiking-only footpath in the world. The trail, with more than 2,000 miles spanning 14 states, sees...
Jared Prince
Tagged: Appalachian Trail

Yellowstone National Park, A place of wonders

We're now familiar with the marvels of Yellowstone National Park – including geysers, an abundance of wildlife, and bubbling pools of water. Acting Territorial Governor Francis Meagher was accurate when he...
Jared Prince

John Muir and the Sierra Club

We've explored the parts of Muir's life where he discovers nature and then writes about it, and now we're at the point where Muir helped to create the Sierra Club. ...
Jared Prince

John Muir's National Park Writings – A Convincing Argument

We've brought you up to the point (John Muir, The father of our National Parks) in John Muir's history where he found a spiritual connection with nature. This was actually...
Jared Prince

John Muir, the father of our National Parks

As a company who designs National Park maps and donates to the Sierra Club, it is no coincidence that part of our name was inspired by John Muir. He was...
Jared Prince