During these uncertain times, we know you are hearing from a lot of companies and their approach to navigating the future. While we believe this time is best spent asking ourselves how we can make a difference, we want to share how we are looking ahead with you, our Muir Way Community.
I am committed to protecting my employees, the community and the planet. We are in this together and my company and I will stay focused on our greater purpose — to continue to deliver you beautiful design and inspiration to get outdoors. If there were ever a time to slow down and get some solitude in nature, it is now. And while we are indoors, we can be dreaming of a better time to come. For now, breathe, connect with those that you are with, and please practice social distancing.
As a business owner navigating my first global crisis, I wonder what the future holds. While I don’t have the answers, I do know that great things can emerge from dark moments. We will be keeping our e-commerce lights on, and are going to extreme lengths to deliver our products safely. Besides our own team, there are many small businesses, specialty shops and restaurants that we rely on every day that need our support. If you have the means, please support a small business.
Stay focused on what is important and lean into warmth and openness. This is a time for us to remember our humanity.
In adventure,