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Any small business will tell you the key to their success was exposure.  We have been so lucky and grateful to have appeared on all these different websites.  When Uncrate posted our National Park maps on their site a few days ago, it shot our visibility through the roof.  We can't thank them enough.  We're also very appreciative of all the people requesting different maps from around the country and we're going to try to get to all of them. 

We started Muir Way having no idea if there would be any interest in this type of art but knew that we liked it and hoped others would too.  We know it's not for everyone, but it's obvious now that there are a lot of people out there who do love it as much as we do.

A big THANK YOU to all our customers, Uncrate, and the other websites and blogs posting about us.

Jared and the Muir Way team

Jared Prince